The assignment was to use Combinformation to make a collage about architectural things that I liked. The program was really cool. It was so easy to work with and the variety of images that came about was nice. The steps to working this was typing three keywords, then images would pop up and all I had to do was pick which ones interested me and put them in my collage. The three keywords that I picked were architecture, landscape and mansions. Both architecture and landscape are very general words, but I still wanted to search them to see what images I could find. Mansions was the random keyword I wanted to search. I did this because I was curious to see what kind of images came out of the word. Mansions usually have something interesting and unique about them, so I wanted to see what kind of designs came about from the search. I found some really cool landscape images and photography in general that I liked. I picked my favorites and incorporated them into my collage. Here is what I ended up with.
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