Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I have been doing some research throughout the semester and I think I want to join CARPOOL. CARPOOL, which stands for Caring Aggies R Protecting Over Our Lives, is a designated driver club. It is safe and reliable for all students in the Bryan/ College Station area. The rides are free and non-judgmental, all you have to do is call the number 693-9905 found in the back of your student ID. The reputation of CARPOOL is very high. I have a lot of friends that call CARPOOL because it’s very convenient and safe. Students at A&M trust and love CARPOOL. I think CARPOOL is the smartest idea the school can have. The program runs during the weekend. The program is really cool and I know that I will be working for a good cause. I love helping people and what better way to do it than CARPOOL! For more information on CARPOOL, click here.

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