Tuesday, January 23, 2007

first blogggg

The first thing I found out about RSS is that it stands for a couple of things:
Really Simple Syndication
Rich Site Summary
RDF Site Summary

"RSS-aware programs are available for various operating systems. Client-side readers and aggregators are typically constructed as standalone programs or extensions to existing programs such as web browsers and Email readers. Many browsers have integrated support for RSS feeds. There also are other applications that can convert an RSS feed into several usenet articles, viewable through the major newsreader software."

"Web-based feed readers and news aggregators such as NewsGator Online require no software installation and make the user's "feeds" available on any computer with Web access. Some aggregators combine existing web feeds into new feeds, e.g., taking all football related items from several sports feeds and providing a new football feed. There are also search engines for content published via web feeds like Bloglines."

"On Web pages, web feeds (RSS or Atom) are typically linked with the word "Subscribe", an orange rectangle, , or with the letters or . Many news aggregators such as My Yahoo![1] publish subscription buttons for use on Web pages to simplify the process of adding news feeds."

This info was found in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_(file_format)

I researched over this whole RSS concept for a while because I had NO idea what it was. Apperently this is something normal and not mind blowing. I like what I saw. I'm not into computer programs that much unless it's Facebook. I use to have a Xanga but then I randomly stopped using it and forgot all about it. RSS is one of the best programs to use because it's easy and quick to learn. I really think it's another way of getting your points across and I like using programs like Facebook and MySpace so I might just start to use it!

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