Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Digital Image Resolution

There are two different forms of digital images which include physical images
and informational records or files. Digital images are made by a digital camera or scanner, and
are resides on hard drives or flash cards. A grid of pixels are a bunch of little square looking
boxes that map out specific tones at specific locations (bitmap).

It is common to refer to computer records as files, and thus digital images in this state, and generally, are commonly referred to as "digital image files," "image files," or even just "files." Even if the image files are stored in certain file formats, the image can be fixed and made to whatever size or shape you want. The same image shown on one screen can look a lot different according to the spacial dimensions- width and height.

The most interesting thing that I think I read over was the fact that a picture can look so clean and perfect but if I was to zoom in a lot, the picture would look completely destroyed. A picture is made up of thousands of little squares that look like plain blurrs when looked up closely, but when looked out far no one can tell. This reminds me of a commercial I saw the other night. It talks about hand moisturizer and it shows a black screen with a bunch of fists that later zoom out and out becoming billions of small fists that end up turing into a womans shoulder in an image. I think digital image resolution is really interesting and it's definitely mind boggling.

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