Monday, April 2, 2007


It has been almost two semesters since I first started working on SketchUp but I have yet to get more familiar with it. Though I have done a couple of tutorials and know the basics of the program, I wanted to get more acquainted with it. Searching around the SketchUp Google Tutorials website, I found a tutorial that caught my eye.

Textures: Using Photos will teach you how to distort images so they match surfaces in SketchUp. Through the usage of moving simple pins found in each corner of any image, one can easily stretch the image to the corners of any model and when all four pins are correctly placed, the photograph will be distorted to fit the geometry that you picked.

I really like this tutorial because I had no idea that this feature could be done in SketchUp. It is nice to know that any image that I pick can be transferred and rearranged to fit into a symmetrical form within the program. The example that the tutorial used was really cool. Everyone watch it! Also, there are other tutorials for more basic texturing in the same SketchUp Google website found at the top of my blog.

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